That time of year is approaching once more when your family members have the opportunity to apply and potentially receive an education grant from Local 709. Please encourage them to take full advantage of this wonderful opportunity that can support their educational pursuits. We all know that education costs can be quite expensive, and although our grants are small, every bit of financial assistance certainly counts towards alleviating some of that burden. Educational Grant application and additional required material and essay will be accepted May 1, 2025 – July 11, 2025.

Educational Grant Application




Have you downloaded the National Automatic Sprinkler Industry App yet? They are available on the Apple App Store and on Google Play. Some great features are that you can review your medical EOB's, check your NASI Pension calculation, check your SIS balance, and get Provider contact info, just to name a few. MDLive has a mobile app as well as Hinge Health and Delta Dental which can all be accessed in the NASI Welfare Fund page or on the NASI app if you’ve already downloaded it. N.A.S.I. - National Automatic Sprinkler Industry ( Members can access Express Scripts, Vision Service Plan and Retirees can access the retiree advocay center RetireeFirst.

Bill Belcher, Steve Sanchez, and Matt Blehm with JM Carden, working on underground tie-ins in Anaheim.

100th Anniv Logo for Merch.jpg

Take a moment to watch this fantastic video that showcases the rich history of Local 709, featuring insights from both current and past Business Managers. Additionally, members actively working in the field share their personal stories about what the Union truly stands for and how it has positively impacted their careers throughout the years.



Did you know...

  • Pay your dues or other fees with your banks mobile app. It’s easy to set up. Add Local 709 as a payee. You can custom design it so that you’re never overdue! You can do this with any Bank, or you can also do this with UYFCU.

  • Did you know that Wage sheets, your CBA, 709's Jurisdictional Map and much, much more, are here on the website? Log in to the members area! If you don’t know the PW, call the hall.

  • Holidays: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day

  • Vacation is submitted by your employer to UYFCU by the 15th of each month, following the month in which the hours were worked, with a 5 day grace period. UYFCU has until the end of the month that it's received, to post it to your account.

  • Front Office Drop Box: You can make a payment when the front office is closed. Envelopes are provided for your convenience located in the drop box at the front of the building.

  • Union Front Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm (open during lunch), Friday 7:30 am - 3 pm (closed for lunch, call before you come).

  • Wages shall be paid by end of shift on Thursday, and shall include all wages and expenses due up to and including the previous Friday. If the employee does not receive his paycheck at this time, he must notify the Employer and the Local Union by 9:00 a.m. on Friday.

  • Stay on top of important info by always updating the front office (562) 698-9909 with your cell#, email or address.


Now is your chance to start your career as a Sprinkler Fitter. Become a Sprinkler Fitter with UA. Learn more about Sprinkler Fitters' salary and career benefits here:


Our organization is home to over 1,000 journeymen/journeywomen, apprentices and retirees. Read more.  

Are you currently working in the fire sprinkler industry and have 1 year or more experience?